Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy services can be obtained for both acute and chronic injuries.  Treatment will begin with a full evaluation of your strength, muscle and joint flexibility, biomechanics, posture, balance, and endurance.  Combining the objective evaluation with a thorough discussion of your past medical and social history, goals will be created together to minimize pain and optimize function to improve your quality of life. 

Common Injuries may include:

  • Arthritic pain and dysfunction
  • Undiagnosed pain in a joint or the soft tissue
  • Repetitive soft tissue injuries including tendonitis, plantarfacitis, and bursitis
  • Acute joint injuries including sprains, strains or cartilage damage
  • Spine injuries including disc dysfunction, stenosis and degenerative disease
  • Post-operative care; such as after hip or knee replacements, or a rotator cuff repair.

Treatment may be intensive or extensive depending upon the chronicity of the dysfunction.  It may include modalities, manual therapy, exercise therapy, home visits, gym visits, and education regarding changes in habits such as posture, sleeping, or shoe wear. 

Amy has worked with me for over seven years to strengthen my back and to improve my overall strength and flexibility. She is very professional and highly skilled. In addition, she is a great motivator. She has set up a home work out and stretching routine and does a great job monitoring my progress. I feel total confident in her care.
— Nina D.